It would be great it we never felt any resistance to tasks, and we could just breeze through life feeling confident and motivated. But, that’s just not reality. Even the most successful among us lose motivation sometimes, and it can be hard to get out of this space. Here are a few tips that help me when I feel unmotivated. Hopefully this list can help you get motivated!
Seek out and listen to inspirational content— podcasts, YouTube channels, (audio)books, and IG accounts.
If you are feeling unmotivated, self-development content can help put you in a different headspace. You can find self development podcasts, YouTube channels, and audiobooks. You can follow more inspirational and creative Instagram accounts related to your hobbies and goals.
Start a new hobby or restart an old one.
A lot of times when we feel unmotivated, it’s because we are just going through the motions of daily life (e.g., family, work, etc.) and caught up in the daily grind.
So, I think slowing down and reconnecting to activities and past times when you felt excited, hopeful, and grounded can help when you’re feeling unmotivated.
Make and/or find a new (motivational) music playlist.
Listening to music is a simple way to shift your mood and get inspired. Is there a new album you’ve been thinking about listening to? Listen to it while you’re working, so you have that to look forward to.
Or maybe there are songs that remind you that you are THAT GIRL. Put them in a playlist and listen to them on repeat if you have to! This tip helped me A LOT when I was writing my dissertation.
Do guided journaling exercises to get motivated.
One of the fastest ways to get motivated is to do something- even if its not the thing. Guided journaling is a great way to confront the real reasons why you feel unmotivated. Guided journaling exercises can also help you gain clarity on what needs to change (internally or externally) in order for you to be a self-starter in all areas of your life.
If you found these tips helpful, grab a free copy of: 5 Guided Journaling Exercises to Help You Get Motivated & Stop Procrastinating.