3 Time Management Mistakes

Even though I’m a time management coach, I struggled with time management for YEARS. I know from experience that poor time management can rob you of so many fulfilling life experiences and kill your confidence. Here are some of the time management mistakes that I struggled with in the past, so you can recognize them […]
Feeling Unmotivated? Do This

It would be great it we never felt any resistance to tasks, and we could just breeze through life feeling confident and motivated. But, that’s just not reality. Even the most successful among us lose motivation sometimes, and it can be hard to get out of this space. Here are a few tips that help […]
4 Ways You’re Self-Sabotaging

Self-sabotage is a vicious cycle that we can easily get stuck in if we aren’t mindful of our thoughts and how we are managing our time. But a lot of times, we aren’t even conscious of the fact that we are thwarting our own efforts! Here are some signs that you may be caught in […]
Manage Your Time Without Overwhelm

Okay, let’s be serious. As high-achieving women who are trying to hold things down at work and in our personal lives, I think we are all going to be overwhelmed sometimes. But in my experience, there are three things that can significantly reduce how overwhelmed you feel on a daily basis. Get clarity on how […]
Why You Don’t Follow Through

As a high-achieving woman, it can be perplexing when you have no problem taking action in certain areas of your life (e.g., work tasks), but you may struggle with procrastination in other areas. I know how it is… You make plans and set goals. But for some reason, you just don’t follow through on all […]
How I Had My Most Productive Day

Before we begin… I do not want to glorify productivity. I think we should aim to be productive, so that we have more time for self-care and for things that bring us joy—not because I think our value depends on productivity. For example, being productive allows me to spend more guilt-free and focused time with […]